Handcrafts have always been a passion for me when at an early age I learned the value of creating handmade items for the home. What my mother taught me has now evolved into a creative outlet that I enjoy sharing with others.
Whitty Wire Jewelry first began as a hobby when I began creating jewelry for myself, family and friends. Soon I was being asked about the jewelry I was wearing and where it could be purchased and thus Whitty Wire Jewelry was created in 2010. After 2 years, I decided to venture into online sales through Etsy.
The initial medium I worked with was craft wire and then expanded into the use of the precious metals such as silver and gold filled wires. Soon I was experimenting with fusing fine silver wire and then took some courses in metal smithing. Several years ago, I also learned how to fuse glass and have since learned some more advanced techniques that I now love to experiment with and thus make my own designs in glass as well as metal clays. I am beginning to incorporate the different techniques in each piece of jewelry. With the inspiration of nature and music, I strive to create jewelry for those from all walks of life.
My art is continually evolving and you will notice that new styles and one of a kind items will be appearing in my shop.
Pam Whitlow
Whitty Wire Jewelry
"Fun Handmade Jewelry for Everyone!"